Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cyprus House as “sustaineble home”

“sustaineble home”
Design by a company “Iosa Ghini” can be good an inspiration home with the category of energy-efficient home at this time and future. The architectural design does not seem futuristic but almost decontruction, simple modern design look luxurry and feels fresh with minimalist detail and use of natural stone in interior touches make us homy. the highlights of this house is very concerned about the environment by utilizing environmental technologies of active and passive sources. Here are some technology that used in this house:
1. Low E-Glass to glass windows that will absorb the heat so the room will not be too hot and used of air conditioning can also be saved.
2. Adjustable Solar Panels that allow existing solar panels can absorb sunlight optimally because the panels can move with the movement direction of the sun.
3. Rain Harversting that utilizes rain water in a way to contain it and re-used for daily needs such as watering the plants up to the toilet.
4. Heating Storage is the storage of heat sources that will be used to warm the room during the winter arrives so that the use of machine heating (heater) can be reduced.
5. The use of photocatalytic material on the outer wall surface that will convert hazardous organic becomes harmless.
first floor
First Floor area is made open space with outdoor area,it’s make the airflow is very good but this is highly dependent on the condition environment of Air outside that going green or not. Decision is needed to put this house on the right location before, So we need a greening of the area outside so suitaneble concept design can be achieved. We can not do much if the air outside the home be affected global warming, but at least we can take little action to reduce damage to the earth by utilizing the energy surrounding environment.

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